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Moorland Primary School

Making a Difference

Digital Leaders

Our Digital Leaders.


We have 14 digital leaders from Year 6.


Our digital leaders role is to support the use of technology across the school. They will be supporting their teachers and peers in IT lessons, troubleshooting when things go wrong and trying our new technology before it is used in lessons. We are hoping that they will also be running clubs for other years groups as soon as Covid guidelines allow, but in the meantime they will be looking at other ways to support different year groups during our meetings.  We meet once a week where we plan the tasks for the term, try out new technology and discuss how we can improve the use of technology across the school. 
Being a digital leader is a very responsible role it helps children develop confidence, teamwork and good leadership skills, as well as enhancing their own IT skills. 


Priorities for the year 

To ensure all children know how to stay safe online and know what to do if something makes them feel nervous or worried both in school and at home. 

To improve the use of the technology we use in school, ensuring children use a range of devices and software. 


To enhance the use of the DCF framework in all Year groups and ensure we use and develop our IT skills in our enquiry lessons. 

